Today, with the Raspberry pi 3 and the Raspberry Pi 2, it’s ancient history! Their processors and the RAM mounted at 1GB offers us the possibility to run more than correct way a wordpress site under Raspbian! Install the server on your Raspberry Piīesides the classic commands of updates that should be executed before any installation, we will have to install a web server as well as PHP and MySQL on the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry / WordPress compatibility exists since the beginning, nevertheless, the performances on the first Raspberry Pi were not incredible! Today we will talk to you about wordpress, the most popular CMS in the world (not to mention the fact that it runs Raspbian France) and see how to install it on the Raspberry Pi. Nous nous excusons des erreurs que cela pourrait engendrer. Ⓘ Cet article peut avoir été partiellement ou totalement traduit à l'aide d'outils automatiques.