This file will be listed on the New Plans panel of the Preferences dialog and can be changed whenever you wish. Click Yes to make the file that you selected your template file for future new plans or layouts.The program presents this Question message to offer you an easy way to make the selected file your file template the next time a new plan or new layout is opened. When you select File> Templates> New Plan From Template or New Layout From Template, you are able to create a new, blank file based on a template other than the one specified in the Preferences dialog. To learn more about templates, see the Related Articles section at the bottom of this page. You can specify the files to use as your plan and layout templates on the New Plans panel of the Preferences dialog. Whenever you open a new, blank plan or layout file, all of the default settings and other information present in the plan are inherited from a template file. When I click on the New Plan From Template or New Layout From Template tool in X11 or a prior version, a Question message asks, 'Do you want to use this file as your default template?' The information in this article applies to: